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12th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE'14)
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, October 19-21, 2014
Collocated with FMCAD 2014

The 12th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE'14) will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland on October 19-21, 2014. This year, for the second time, MEMOCODE will be collocated with the 14th Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD'14), providing attendees the opportunity to attend joint tutorial sessions and keynotes. It will provide an excellent venue for researchers working on formal methods for CAD, and methodologies and models for embedded hardware and/or software design.


MEMOCODE has a long history of a successful co-design contest section. Even within this design contest, we have seen an evolving trend. Initially the challenge problem started to be implemented as synthesis of co-processors for co-designing a specific computation intensive system. Today, with GPUs, FPGA boards and other flexible hardware add-ons, we often find even software solutions that compete well with the purely co-processor based co-design solutions. This year, we plan to introduce a software tool contest along with our traditional design contest to interest more software developers in taking part in MEMOCODE and showcase their skills in making software tools that instantiate methodologies and model based approaches to system design.

As a result, MEMOCODE'14 will entail two design contest tracks, for which additional call for participation will be issued, and a vibrant research track that will seek submissions from researchers and industrial engineers for presentation at the conference main track. The conference will sponsor at least one prize with a monetary award for each contest. Each team delivering a complete and working solution will be invited to prepare a 2-page abstract to be published in the proceedings and to present it during a dedicated poster session at the conference. The winning teams will be invited to contribute a 4-page short paper for presentation in the conference program.

All information on the MEMOCODE contests will be made available on June 1st., 2014.


- Software and design contests revealed June 1
- Software and design submissions July 1
- Submissions evaluation results August 1
- Software and design abstracts due September 1
- Venue October 19-21, 2014


In the past, MEMOCODE emphasised co-design as its primary focus, but over the last decade, the clear boundaries between system components implemented in hardware, firmware, software, middleware or applications have blurred. This evolution in system design practices has necessitated a change in the title of the conference to cater to the needs of today's industry and research practices.

MEMOCODE's main agenda is to bring together researchers in software design, hardware design, as well as hardware/software co-design, and exchange ideas, research results, lessons learned from each other and apply them to each other's areas. We want to emphasise the importance of models and methodologies in correct system design, and provide a platform for researchers and industry practitioners who work in any or all components of the system stack - hardware, firmware, middleware, software, architecture and applications.

MEMOCODE'14 seeks research contributions addressing all aspects of methods and models for hardware and embedded software design. We are interested in formal foundations, informal engineering methodologies with sound basis, model driven approaches, design tools, design case studies, and industry-scale experimental case-studies.


- Abstract submission deadline: July 10
- Paper submission deadline: July 17
- Notification of acceptance: August 14
- Final version for Papers: September 4
- Venue: October 19-21, 2014