VtRES 2014
2nd Workshop on Virtualization for Real-Time Embedded Systems (VtRES 2014)
in conjunction with the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation ETFA 2014
Aim: The VtRES workshop provides a forum for researchers and technologists to discuss the state-of-the-art, present their work and contributions, and set future directions in virtualization for real-time embedded systems.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Efficient design and implementation of VMMs in terms of timing constraints, QoS assurance, runtime overhead and energy consumption requirements.
- Extending VMMs to support virtualization for embedded systems.
- Supporting virtualization for advanced hardware technologies such as multi-core/many-core, GPU, high-speed network communication media and devices, etc.
- VMM performance tuning based on applications' load types.
- Virtualizing networks.
- Device sharing between virtual machines, including e.g., I/O and field busses.
- Methods for achieving advanced features found in server virtualization, such as live migration, with predictable real-time performance.
- Modeling and analysis of virtualized applications.
- Fault tolerance techniques in virtualized environments.
- Tools relevant to virtualization.
- Case studies of applications on virtualized platforms.
- Deployment studies of virtualization technologies.
- Novel use and application of virtualization for embedded real-time systems.
- System level virtualization solutions.
- Supporting service level virtualization for distributed real-time systems.
Workshop Co-Chairs
Kristian Sandstrom, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
Moris Behnam, Malardalen University, Sweden
Program Committee
Marko Bertogna, University of Modena, Italy Tommaso Cucinotta, Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent, Ireland Shinpei Kato, Nagoya University, Japan Ricardo Marau, CISTER-ISEP, Portugal Aurelien Monot, ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland Thomas Nolte, Malardalen University, Sweden Hongyu Pei-Breivold, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden Rodolfo Pellizzoni, University of Waterloo, Canada Guillermo Rodriguez Navas, Malardalen University, Sweden Luca Santinelli, ONERA, France Inisk Shin, KAIST, South Korea Martijn van den Heuvel, TU/e, The Netherlands Aneta Vulgarakis, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden Mikael Asberg, Zenterio, Sweden