CPA 2014
Communicating Process Architectures (CPA) 2014
The 36th WoTUG Conference on Concurrent and Parallel Systems
Communicating Process Architectures covers all aspects of the theory, design
and implementation of concurrency in computer systems. This includes, but is
not limited to:
The design and implementation of concurrent programming systems;
Case studies reporting on the use of concurrency in academic or industrial software;
Theoretical approaches to modelling and verifying concurrent systems.
A full list of relevant topics can be found at
Whilst CPA has historically focused on concurrency approaches that involve
CSP-style message passing, papers involving other approaches are warmly
CPA 2014 is being hosted by the Department of Computer Science at theI
University of Oxford, which previously hosted the 2nd WoTUG Conference in 1985.
CPA runs in a single track over two and a half days. In addition, two evening
Fringe sessions provide a forum for presenting and discussing new ideas and/or
work in progress. Invited speakers will be announced shortly.
The Editorial Board consists of:
Professor Peter Welch, University of Kent, UK (Chair)
Dr. Frederick Barnes, University of Kent, UK Jan Broenink, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Dr. Kevin Chalmers, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Dr. Thomas Gibson-Robinson, University of Oxford, UK
Ruth Ivimey-Cook, eLifesciences Ltd., UK
Professor Gavin Lowe, University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Jan Baekgaard Pedersen, University of Nevada, USA
Dr. Adam T. Sampson, University of Abertay Dundee, UK
Dr. Marc L. Smith, Vassar College, New York, USA
If you have any queries, please contact the Editorial Board at