Birds-of-Feather: Medical CPS
Special Interest Group: Medical Devices, Discussion Lead: Oleg Sokolsky (U Penn),
This session brings together CPS researchers who work on topics related to health care. The goal of the session is to seek a common vision for the field and pursue a coordinated agenda of Medical CPS (MCPS) research.
Possible agenda items:
- Mapping the space of MCPS
- What are the distinct subdomains? A preliminary taxonomy has been developed to set up the MCPS group on CPS-VO. It needs to be expanded to find a consensus within the MCPS community. The taxonomy can be found in the MCPS group.
- Establish (common) challenge problems for subdomains of MCPS
- Identify available technology/methods and technology gaps
- Identify and engage key industry stakeholders - Promoting interactions:
- Shared testbeds, experimental platforms to facilitate evaluation of new devices/algorithms
- Shared patient models, data sets, etc.
o physiological traces from clinical scenarios
o behavioral traces from assisted living contexts
- Collaboration with the FDA
Watch this space for further updates to the agenda.