Visible to the public Lablet study on user behaviors + software updates - seeking participants

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marshini's picture
Established Community Member
Joined: Mar 25 2014

Hi all,

Our UMD lablet director suggested that we use the SoS site to help us spread the word about a study we're doing on software updates. We are seeking participants to complete a short survey about software updates and for follow up interviews. Participants in the survey are entered in a draw for one of five $50 Amazon gift cards and interviewees will be compensated with a $15 Amazon gift card.

More information on the study can be found here. The link to the survey is here. You can participate if you live in the USA! Please consider distributing the call to interested parties - a strong response rate will help us to gather important data about how users deal with software updates in the wild - user behaviors being an often overlooked but important part of cybersecurity.

Do feel free to contact me for further information (or a blurb to send to mailing lists if you need one) and if this has been posted in the wrong place, let me know!
