Visible to the public STAF 2014

STAF 2014 Doctoral Symposium

Call for Abstract Submissions

Part of Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations 2014
University of York, UK, 21st - 25th July 2014.

The STAF Doctoral Symposium is aimed at providing mentoring and feedback
to PhD students working in the areas covered by Software Technologies:
Applications and Foundations 2014.

Areas of interest include:

  • Graph transformation
  • Model transformation
  • Model-Based Engineering
  • Software testing
  • Program verification

and in general any topic of interest for the conferences that will
take place within STAF 2014, namely:

ICGT'14 - Seventh International Conference on Graph Transformation
ECMFA'14 - Tenth European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications
ICMT'14 - Seventh International Conference on Model Transformation
TAP'14 - Eighth International Conference on Tests and Proof

The corresponding Call for Papers are reachable from

Presentations for the Doctoral Symposium will be selected by the Program
Committee according to originality, significance, and general interest,
on the basis of an extended abstract.

Speakers will be asked to give a short presentation, followed by discussion
and feedback. There will also be ample time for informal discussion
during the day. Our aim is to stimulate discussion and help PhD
students refine their work.

Important Dates

7th June 2014 Submission deadline
23rd June 2014 Notification
21st July 2014 STAF doctoral symposium

Submission Process

We solicit two kinds of abstract:

  • Early-PhD work which clearly defines a research problem and possible solutions.
  • Late-PhD work describing a fully-realised solution to a research problem.

The first author of a submitted abstract should be a PhD student as of
7th June (i.e. should not have submitted a thesis). Other authors, eg.
supervisors, are allowed.

Each abstract should consist of 4-6 pages, including references /
appendices formatted in LNCS style. Abstracts should be marked as
'early' or 'late' when submitted.

Abstracts can be submitted via Easychair through the following link:

Accepted abstracts will be made available in PDF format to symposium
participants, and in softbound format at the symposium itself.


A "best presentation" prize sponsored by IBM will be assigned at the end
of the symposium.

Organising Committee

Phil Brooke (University of Teesside, UK) <>
Andrea Corradini (University of Pisa, Italy) <>
Mike Dodds (University of York, UK) <>
Harald Storrle (TU Denmark) <>

Event Details
York, UK