6th Cloud Control Workshop (CloudControl6)
In conjunction with IEEE/ACM UCC 2014
Paper submissions: 25 July, 2014 (firm, no extensions)
Notification of acceptance: 29 August, 2014
Early registration deadline (main UCC 2014 registration): 29 September, 2014
Cloud computing has become the dominant paradigm to fulfill compute and storage needs while hiding the underlying complexity of resource management. However, under the hood, many parameters at both software and hardware level need to be controlled to ensure the reliability, performance, and energy efficiency of cloud applications. Furthermore, workload variability and software heterogeneity make optimal parameter selection complex, which combined with the large scale of clouds call for distributed resource management solutions.
The workshop is aimed to foster multidisciplinary research in Cloud Control, leveraging expertise in areas such as distributed systems, control theory, autonomic computing, systems management, mathematical statistics, energy management, and performance management. By providing an understanding of the research challenges ahead and by enabling multi-disciplinary research collaborations, the ambition is to shape the future of cloud management.
The 6th Cloud Control Workshop is held in conjunction with the 7th IEEE/ACM Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014).
Expected attendees are leading researchers from any scientific discipline with potential to contribute to this multidisciplinary topic.
Workshop Format
For the first time in the workshop series, the workshop is open for contributed papers. The workshop will include invited and contributed presentations as well as discussion sessions.
Relevant topics are cloud management methods, systems, and principles including any methods from other disciplines supporting the realization of management systems. Target clouds include the whole range of architectures, spanning from single cloud datacenters to highly distributed telecom or mobile clouds. Examples topics are:
- Management of cloud resources (compute, storage, network, etc)
- Cloud scheduling
- Scalability and capacity autoscaling (elasticity management)
- Differentiated quality of service
- Resource overbooking
- High availability and reliability
- Managing complex cloud applications
- Cloud simulation
- Cloud workload modeling, prediction, and generation
- Performance management and QoS
- Energy-efficient resource provisioning
- Control theory for cloud management
- Autonomic computing for cloud management
- Machine learning for cloud management
Workshop Details
Paper format
Contributed papers should be of maximum 6 pages in length (in IEEE format). Additional pages may be purchased subject to approval by the proceedings chair.
Paper submission
For further instructions and submission system access, please visit the workshop website at
Paper selection
Contributed papers will be selected based on reviews provided by the workshop's Program Committee. Evaluation criteria include novelty, scientific quality, and relevance to the workshop topic.
Accepted papers will be published by IEEE in the main UCC
2014 proceedings. For inclusion in the workshop program and the conference proceedings, at least one author of each accepted submission must register and attend the workshop.
Hilton London Paddington Hotel, London, UK
Organizing Committee:
- Erik Elmroth, Umea University, Sweden (Workshop chair)
- Maria Kihl, Lund University, Sweden (Workshop co-chair)
- Martina Maggio, Lund University, Sweden (Publicity)
- Per-Olov Ostberg, Umea University, Sweden (Publicity)
- Cristian Klein, Umea University, Sweden (Proceedings)
- Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Umea University, Sweden (Proceedings)
- Alessandro Papadopoulos, Lund University, Sweden (Social)
Program Committee:
- Samuli Aalto, Aalto University, Finland
- Tarek Abdelzaher, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
- Karl-Erik Arzen, Lund University, Sweden
- Peter Bodik, Microsoft Research, USA
- Ivona Brandic, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- David Breitgand, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel
- Tommaso Cucinotta, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Laboratories, Ireland
- Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Johan Eker, Ericsson Research, Sweden Anshul Gandhi, Stony Brook University, USA
- Francisco Hernandez-Rodriguez, Umea University, Sweden Geir Horn, University of Oslo, Norway
- Ignacio Llorente, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK
- Anders Robertsson, Lund University, Sweden
- Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester, UK
- Rolf Stadler, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Giovanni Toffetti, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel
- Johan Tordsson, Umea University, Sweden
- Simon Tuffs, simontuffs .com, USA
- Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Penn State University, USA
- Vladimir Vlassov, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Adam Wierman, Caltech, US
- John Wilkes, Google, USA
- Ramin Yahyapour, University of Gottingen, Germany
- Jianguo Yao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- Xiaoyun Zhu, VMware inc., USA