Visible to the public Science of Secure Frameworks (CMU/Wayne State University/George Mason University Collaborative Proposal) - July 2014

Public Audience
Purpose: To highlight progress. Information is generally at a higher level which is accessible to the interested public.

PI(s): David Garlan, Jonathan Aldrich, Josh Sunshine
Researchers: Marwan Abi Antoun (Wayne State University), Sam Malek (George Mason University)

This refers to Hard Problems, released November 2012.

By leveraging approaches to software architecture we will be able to better understand the security implications of frameworks used to build many of today's software systems, and provide tools and techniques for building more scalable and composable frameworks that have security assurances that can be verified statically, can be used for building self-securing systems, and that ultimately reduce security vulnerabilities in frameworks and applications based on them in practice.

Report papers written as a results of this research. If accepted by or submitted to a journal, which journal. If presented at a conference, which conference.


Submitted Jonathan Aldrich, Cyrus Omar, and Alex Potanin, and Du Li.Language-Based Architectural Control. Submitted to 6th International Workshop on Aliasing, Capabilities, and Ownership (IWACO '14)