Visible to the public Understanding Effects of Norms and Policies on the Robustness, Liveness, and Resilience of Systems - Julu 2014

Public Audience
Purpose: To highlight project progress. Information is generally at a higher level which is accessible to the interested public. All information contained in the report (regions 1-3) is a Government Deliverable/CDRL.

PI(s):  Emily Berglund, Jon Doyle, Munindar Singh

Bennet Y. Narron


  • Policy-Governed Secure Collaboration - Norms provide a standard of correctness for collaborative behavior, with respect to which policies of the participants can be evaluated individually or in groups.
  • Resilient Architectures - The study of robustness and resilience of systems modeled in terms of norms would provide a basis for understanding resilient social architectures.

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We are acquiring an understanding of the range of technical topics and research areas that pertain to the theme of robustness, liveness, and resilience of systems understood at the social level. These include normative systems, dynamical systems, multiagent programming, and agent-based simulation.