Final call for papers MoDeVVa 2014
11th edition
Model-Driven Engineering, Verification, and Validation
Integrating Verification and Validation in MDE
A satellite event of MODELS 2014
September 30th, Valencia, Spain
Models are purposeful abstractions of systems and of their environment. They can be applied at arbitrary abstraction levels for understanding complex systems, validating requirements, simulation or automatic code generation. Thus, the usage of models is of increasing importance for industrial applications. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a development methodology that is based on models, meta-models, and model transformations. The shift from code or technical artifacts to software models is a key feature of MDE which opens promising perspectives for the formalization and the automation of verification and validation (V&V) tasks, like testing, consistency or refinement conformance checking and so on. On the other hand, the growing complexity of models and of model transformations requires efficient techniques for V&V in the context of MDE. The 2014 edition of the workshop on model-driven engineering, verification, and validation (MoDeVVa) offers a forum for researchers and practitioners who are working on V&V and MDE. The main goals of the workshop are to identify, discuss, and elaborate mutual impacts of MDE and V&V. This year, following the keynote presentation given by Marsha Chechik in the 2013 edition, we would like to put a special focus on modeling and reasoning in the presence of incompleteness, underspecification and the unknown.
Important Dates
* Submission deadline: 11 July 2014
* Notification to Authors: 22 August 2014
* Final Version: Friday 5 September 2014
* Workshop: 30 September 2013
Accepted papers will be published electronically on CEUR by September 19 2014.