Visible to the public WoSoCer 2014

The 4th International IEEE Workshop on Software Certification (WoSoCer 2014)

3-6 November 2014, Naples, Italy

The 2014 edition of WoSoCer is co-located with the 25th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2014) and takes place in Naples, Italy, 3-6 November 2014.

We invite researchers and practitioners, from both academia and industry, to present and discuss their work on software certification at the workshop.

The aim of the WoSoCer workshop series is to discuss novel safety assessment and certification approaches able to scale for complex software, and to promote their adoption in real-world safety-critical systems through industrial and academic research projects.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of software dependability, and product-oriented certification and assurance cases;
  • Certifiable software for modern complex systems, including dynamic, autonomic, large-scale, and distributed systems;
  • Third-party components and software reuse across systems and safety standards;
  • Improvement of software development processes (e.g., SPICE, CMMI) in safety- and security-critical domains;
  • Cost-related issues and return-on-investment for certification activities;
  • Adoption of emerging technologies and practices in safety-critical systems;
  • Open issues, practical experiences and real-world case studies;
  • Cross-fertilization between safety and security standards and certification.
  • We solicit the submission of original research papers, up to 6 pages. Moreover, we invite proposals for demonstrations of innovative tools for dependability and certifiability assessment, accompanied by a short paper describing the tool, up to 3 pages. Tools will be presented during a special session at the workshop, with talks and live demos.

PC Co-Chairs:

  • Jonny Vinter - SP Technical Research Institute, Sweden
  • Marc Forster - RWTH, Germany

Steering Committee:

  • Roberto Natella & Roberto Pietrantuono Federico II - University of Naples, Italy
  • Nuno Silva - Critical Software S.A., Portugal

Further information:
This edition of WoSoCer is supported by the CECRIS FP7 project:

Event Details
Naples, Italy