Visible to the public NCSU SoS Lablet Research Methods, Community Development and SupportConflict Detection Enabled

Public Audience
Purpose: To highlight project progress. Information is generally at a higher level which is accessible to the interested public. All information contained in the report (regions 1-3) is a Government Deliverable/CDRL.

PI(s):  Jeff Carver, Ehab Al-Shaer, Jon Doyle, Lindsey McGowen, Laurie Williams, Alyson Wilson


  • Community Development - The goal is to build an extended and vibrant interdisciplinary community of science of security researchers, research methodologists, and practitioners (Carver, Williams).
  • Community Resources - To create and maintain a respository of defensible scientific methods for security research (Carver, Williams).
  • Oversight for the Application of Defensible Scientific Research Methodologies - To encourage the application of scientifically defensible research through various methods of consultation and feedback (Carver).
  • Usable Data Sharing - To enable open, efficient, and secure sharing of data and experimental results for experimentation among SoS researchers (Al-Shaer).

Report papers written as a result of this research. If accepted by or submitted to a journal, which journal. If presented at a conference, which conference.



  • Worked with several NCSU Lablet projects to help improve experimental design, instrument design, and statistical analysis techniques (Wilson).
  • Led a research methods workshop at the 2014 NCSU Summer Workshop (Wilson).
  • Conducted the kick-off workshop for the International Research Network for the Science of Security (IRN-SoS) during Hot-SoS'14.  Sixteen people participated in the kick-off workshop (Carver).
  • Developed guidelines for designing rigorous, defensible SoS research experiments and projects and additional guidelines for reporting the results of SoS research in a strong, scientific manner independent of the reporting venue. (Carver, McGowen, Wright).