Visible to the public CfP: DATE'15 Topic E2 Compilers for Embedded

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Topic E2 Compilers for Embedded Systems

DATE (Design, Automation & Test in Europe) Conference
Grenoble, France, 9-13 March, 2015


  • Paper Submission Sunday September 14, 2014
  • Notification of Acceptance Friday November 07, 2014
  • Camera-Ready Paper Friday November 28, 2014


The 18th DATE conference and exhibition is the main European event
bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and
vendors, as well as specialists in the hardware and software design,
test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. It puts
strong emphasis on ICs/SoCs, reconfigurable hardware and embedded
systems, including embedded software.

The five-day event consists of a conference with plenary invited papers,
regular papers, panels, hot-topic sessions, tutorials and workshops, two
special focus days and a track for executives. The scientific conference
is complemented by a commercial exhibition showing the state-of-the-art
in design and test tools, methodologies, IP and design services,
reconfigurable and other hardware platforms, embedded software, and
(industrial) design experiences from different application domains, e.g.
automotive, wireless, telecom and multimedia applications. The
organisation of user group meetings, fringe meetings, a university
booth, a PhD forum, vendor presentations and social events offers a wide
variety of extra opportunities to meet and exchange information on
relevant issues for the design and test community.

Special spacewill also be allocated for EUfunded projects to show their results.

You are invited to submit your research contributions to the topic


which is devoted to:

compilers for embedded multi-core, heterogeneous, GPU, reconfigurable,
or FPGA platforms; compiler-related tools for design space exploration,
for iterative compilation, to complement HLS tools; just-in-time
compilation and libraries for embedded and mobile devices; compiler
support for enhanced debugging, profiling, and traceability; code
analysis, optimization, and generation for different metrics (e.g.,
power, memory lifetime, WCET, etc.); compilation of domain specific or
streaming languages for embedded systems; compilation tools for embedded
systems as cloud services; certified compilers.

E2 topic program committee:

  • Alain Darte, CNRS, ENS-Lyon, France (Chair) Rodric Rabbah, IBM Research,
  • USA (Co-Chair) Heiko Falk, Ulm University, Germany Sebastian Hack,
  • University of Saarland, Germany Frank Hannig, University of
  • Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Claire Maiza, Verimag, Grenoble, France
  • Jingling Xue, University of New South Wales, Australia