Visible to the public RFI Submissions - 2012 National Workshop on the New Clockwork for Time-Critical CPS

Last Name First Name Affiliation(s) Paper Title
Anderson Jim The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Efficiency Considerations in the Implementation of Cyber-Physical Systems
Broman David University of California, Berkeley Precision Timed Infrastructure: Promoting Time to a First-Class Citizen in Systems Design
Chandhoke Sundeep National Instruments Time Sensitive Data Transfer using COTS Technology
de Niz Dionisio Carnegie Mellon University Mixed Physical and Cyber Clocks for Cyber-Physical Systems
Dolev Danny Hebrew University of Jerusalem Towards Self-stabilizing Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Clock Generation in Systems-on-Chip
Koutsoukos Xenofon Institute for Software Integrated Systems / Vanderbilt University Resilient Clock Synchronization in Networked Multi-agent Systems
Kumar Ratnesh Iowa State University Synthesis of Real-Time Control under Finite-Precision Measurement of Time
Lee Edward University of California, Berkeley Models of Time for a Computational World
Lee Kang National Institute of Standards and Technology Time Synchronization for Smart Manufacturing
MacKay John Progeny Systems System Time Performance Management Standard
Malekpour Mahyar NASA Langley Research Center Self-Stabilizing Fault-Tolerant Synchronization of Arbitrary Digraphs
Rajkumar Raj Carnegie Mellon University Time and Software Systems
Rushby John SRI International Timing Robustness and Fault-Tolerance
Shukla Sandeep Virginia Tech Models of Tme for Safety Critical Systems: Partial vs. Total Order - Polychronous vs. Synchronous
Tabuada Paulo University of California at Los Angeles Time and Controls (When to Exercise Control?)
Wesson Kyle The University of Texas at Austin Secure Time Transfer for CPS
Wolf Marilyn Georgia Institute of Technology Synchronization Issues in Prosumer Smart Grids