EMBC 2014
36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'14)
will be held from August 26-30, 2014 at the Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Chicago, Illinois, USA. The overall theme of the conference is "Discovering, Innovating, and Engineering Future Biomedicine." It will cover diverse topics from cutting-edge biomedical and healthcare technology research and development, clinical applications, to biomedical education. The conference program will consist of high-profile plenary/keynote lectures, symposia, workshops, invited sessions, oral and poster sessions, and exhibitions. All papers will be peer reviewed; accepted full-length (4 page) papers will appear in the Conference Proceedings and be indexed by IEEE Xplore and Medline/PubMed. Accepted 1-page papers will be presented as posters in specially designated "late breaking research" sessions.
Conference Themes
- Biomedical Signal Processing
- Biomedical Imaging & Image Processing
- Bioinstrumentation, Biosensors, & Bio-Micro/Nano Technologies
- Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, Systems Biology, & Modeling Methodologies
- Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems Engineering
- Neural Engineering & Rehabilitation Engineering
- Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials
- Biomechanics & Biorobotics
- Therapeutic Systems, Devices & Technologies, & Clinical Engineering
- Healthcare Information Systems, & Telemedicine
- Biomedical Engineering Education
Student Paper Competitions
All students are encouraged to participate in the following student paper competitions:
The IEEE-EMBS Student Paper Competition, which covers all thematic areas.
- The Best Paper Award Competition sponsored by the Institute for Engineering in Medicine at the University of Minnesota, which covers research related to the BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) initiative.
- The most collected Oral Presentation and the most collected Poster Presentation sponsored by Esthesys Ltd.
- New Information Sharing and Networking Conference System
The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB) Society is offering all EMBC'14 participants a new conference system to assist them in sharing and collecting useful presentation material (e.g. posters, slides, relevant documents, and related work).
The new networking and information-sharing environment (NISHE) will allow presenters and exhibitors to distribute their materials electronically, and enable attendees to easily collect this information by using their mobile devices. Each conference participant will be given a web account on the NISHE system, where all authored and collected data will be organized and stored. Cloud storage means that users are not tied down to any particular device, can access their information anytime and from anywhere, and can enjoy ample space.