Visible to the public MDD4DRES 2014

5th International Summer School on Model-Driven Development for Distributed, Realtime, Embedded Systems

Model-Driven Development (MDD) is now an established paradigm the application of which spans multiple domains. One of the main domains is Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems (DRES) where MDD has proven its efficiency.

The advent of Cyber Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things have increased communications between systems, and reinforced the trend towards MDD. Multi-paradigm modeling, multi-physical simulation, as well as safety and security concerns are today at the heart of MDD preoccupations and technologies.
In this context, the objective of the MDD4DRES summer school is to provide comprehensive materials which, will enable designers to understand the main issues and challenges raised by the requirements inherent in these new systems. In order to provide an opportunity to bring about fruitful exchanges of ideas and practices, the summer school program includes a balanced blend of academic and industrial contributions and participants.
The summer school will take place at the "Centre de la Mer", Aber Wrach, on the west coast of Brittany, a sumptuous spot, open to the sea, and to spirited brainstorming on the subject of MDD.

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Program overview

  • Topic: MDD and Cyber Physical Systems", Bran Selic - Malina Software Corp., Canada
  • Topic: Model Driven Development Roadmap", Robert France - Colorado State University, USA
  • Topic: Feedbacks on System Engineering", Jean Louis Voirin - Thales, France
  • Topic: Modeling needs in industry and open-source strategy", F. Bordeleau - Ericsson, Canada
  • Topic: Metamodelling ", Pierre Alain Muller - University of Haute-Alsace, France
  • Topic: Multi-paradigm modeling", Hans Vangheluwe - McGill University, Canada
  • Topic: MDE for Internet of Things", Jean Marc Jezequel - IRISA, France
  • Topic: Variability and Common Variability Language", Oystein Haugen - SINTEF, Norway
  • Topic: MDD tooling", Ed Merks - Itemis, Germany.
  • Topic: Model-based testing", Arnaud Cuccuru, Christophe Gaston - CEA-LIST, France
  • Topic: Scheduling or Performance Analysis", Marco DiNatale - University of Pisa, Italy
  • Topic: Model-driven security", Marina Egea - ATOS, France
  • Topic: Safety analysis", Bernhard Schatz - Fortiss, Germany
  • Topic: Model of Computation and CPS systems", Gabor Karsai - Vanderbilt University, USA
  • Topic: Modelica modeling", Peter Fritzson - Linkoping University, Sweden

There will be also a Work in Progress session, a tools session and several panels.

Event Details
Aber-Wrach, France