Visible to the public Volume 68: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools (GraBaTs 2014)

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Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to announce that Volume 68 containing the Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools (GraBaTs 2014) is now available in the online and open access journal Electronic Communications of the EASST (ECEASST)

Table of Contents

  • Preface
    Bernhard Westfechtel, Matthias Tichy
  • Mean Quantitative Coverability in Stochastic Graph Transformation Systems
    Tobias Heindel, Vincent Danos, Ricardo Honorato-Zimmer, Sandro Stucki
  • Non-Deterministic Matching Algorithm for Net Transformations
    Julia Padberg, Mathias Blumreiter
  • Rapid Prototyping of Topology Control Algorithms by Graph Transformation
    Geza Kulcsar, Michael Stein, Immanuel Schweizer, Gergely Varro, Max Muhlhauser, Andy Schurr
  • A Modular and Statically Typed Effectful Stack for Custom Graph Traversals
    Norbert Tausch, Michael Philippsen
  • Towards Model Checking Reconfigurable Petri Nets using Maude
    Julia Padberg, Alexander Schulz

ECEASST is a fully refereed journal and provides a forum for
practitioners, educators and researchers for disseminating innovative
research in the area of software and system technology. The journal is
also intended as a medium which rapidly publishes conference and
workshop proceedings, provided that all contributions are original and
peer reviewed. ECEASST is an open access on-line journal, i.e. it
provides unlimited access to all contributions which are published
electronically only. In this way, ECEASST provides the full-text access
to all papers and supports the provision of fast and broad feedback to
published work.