Visible to the public Cyber-Physical Systems Minicourse - Georgia Tech - Nov 15 and 16, 2014

Cyber Physical Systems mini-course

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA

November 15 and 16, 2014

Guy Boy, Eric Feron, Pierre-Loic Garoche, Emmanuel Grolleau, and Marilyn Wolf.

A Cyber-Physical system is a system of collaborating computational elements controlling physical entities. Motivated by this definition and by several years of research, the instructors will offer a comprehensive view of what cyber-physical systems consist of today. Acknowledging the need for many distinct elements and disciplines to build cyber-physical systems, the instructors are distributed over a broad range of fundamental disciplines, including Human factors and cognition (Dr. Guy Boy), Software analysis and design (Dr. Loic Garoche), Control systems and autonomy (Dr. Eric Feron), Real-time embedded systems (Dr. Emmanuel Grolleau) and Cyber-Physical Systems design (Dr. Marilyn Wolf). Acknowledging the broad range of interpretation given to Cyber-Physical Systems, the team will primarily focus on safety-critical CPS, especially Aerospace Systems. Over the course of two days, each instructor will present CPS concepts and tools from his perspective, linking it with the perspective of the other participants.

The lectures will allow plenty of interactions between the instructors and the workshop attendees.