Visible to the public Issue 4 SoS Newsletter Now Available!

The newest issue of the CPS-VO Science of Security Newsletter is now available at! The Issue 4 Newsletter features a comprehensive distribution of notable topics, news items, publications, and updates within the world of computer security. This edition highlights the five academic researchers from the Universities of Maryland, Bonn, and Leibniz, winners of the NSA Award for Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper and runner-up.

General Topics of Interest turns the spotlight on two noteworthy university research efforts -- Wyvern Programming Language, created by Carnegie-Mellon University researchers, and the System Science of SecUrity and Resilience (SURE) project, a research collaboration by Vanderbilt University, MIT, UC Berkeley, and the University of Hawaii.

A wide variety of topics are addressed in this Issue's Publications of Interest, including Anonymity, Digital Signatures, Network Intrusion Detection, and Multidimensional Signal Processing, among a diverse array of others.

Last but certainly not least, SoS Lablet Publications invites readers to check-in on the latest university research papers, detailing the great deal of impressive work being conducted by Carnegie Mellon University, North Carolina State University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and University of Maryland. These universities are part of the ongoing effort to quantify and establish security properties and behaviors.