Lund, Sweden, 8-10th July 2015
Organized by the Euromicro Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems
Conference web site:
ECRTS is the premier European venue for presenting research into the broad area of real-time and embedded systems. Along with RTSS and RTAS, ECRTS ranks as one of the three top international conferences on real-time systems.
The twenty-seventh EUROMICRO Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS'15) is a forum aimed at covering state-of-the-art research and development in real-time computing. Papers on all aspects of real-time systems are welcome. These include, but are not limited to:
APPLICATIONS: consumer and multimedia; process and industrial control; smart energy, smart buildings; health; avionics, aerospace; automotive; telecommunications; cyber-physical systems.
INFRASTRUCTURE AND HARDWARE: communication networks; embedded devices; hardware/software co-design; power-aware and other resource-constrained techniques; multicore and manycore architectures for real-time and safety; time engines and time synchronization; wireless sensor networks.
SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES: middleware, operating systems, run-time environments; virtualization and isolation; software architectures; programming languages and compiler support; component-based approaches; distribution technologies.
SYSTEM DESIGN AND ANALYSIS: modelling and formal methods for design and analysis; probabilistic analysis; quality of service support; safety, reliability, security and survivability; mixed critical systems; scheduling and schedulability analysis; worst-case execution time analysis; validation and verification techniques.
Full papers must be submitted electronically through our web form in a pdf format. The material must be unpublished and not under submission elsewhere.
Submissions must be in the same format as in the final published proceedings (10 pages maximum, 2 columns, 10 pt). The paper must be self-contained, but an appendix with supplementary material of up to 2 pages is permitted. Papers exceeding the page limit will not be reviewed. Note that the submission deadline is a firm deadline and will not be extended. A selection of the best papers will receive outstanding paper awards, and will be highlighted as such in the conference proceedings. These papers will form the shortlist for a best paper award, which will be presented at the conference. At ECRTS'15, we aim to be more inclusive and thus accept a larger number of high quality papers than in recent years.
- Submission deadline: 1 February 2015 (firm deadline)
- Workshops: 7 July 2015
- Conference: 8-10 July 2015
Steve Goddard
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Karl-Erik Arzen
Lunds University, Sweden
Gerhard Fohler
TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
- Benny Akesson, CTU Prague, Czech Republic
- Jim Anderson, University of North Carolina, USA
- Marko Bertogna, University of Modena, Italy
- Konstantinos Bletsas, CISTER/INESC-TEC, ISEP, Portugal
- Bjorn Brandenburg, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany
- Alan Burns, University of York, UK
- Rob Davis, University of York, UK
- Marco Di Natale, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Italy
- Arvind Easwaran, Nanyang TU, Singapore
- Rolf Ernst, TU Braunschweig, Germany
- Nathan Fisher, Wayne State University, USA
- Gerhard Fohler, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
- Hermann Hartig, TU Dresden, Germany
- Christopher D. Gill, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
- George Lima, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
- Ying Lu, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
- Claire Maiza, INPGrenoble / Verimag, France
- Julio Luis Medina, University of Cantabria, Spain
- Frank Mueller, North Carolina State University, USA
- Thomas Nolte, MRTC / Malardalen University, Sweden
- Claire Pagetti, Onera, France
- Rodolfo Pellizzoni, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Linh Thi Xuan Phan, University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Isabelle Puaut, University of Rennes 1/ IRISA, France
- Sophie Quinton, INRIA, France
- Christine Rochange, IRIT, University of Toulouse, France
- Mohamed M. Sabry, Stanford University, USA
- Jean-Luc Scharbarg, Universite de Toulouse - IRIT/INPT/ENSEEIHT, France
- Insik Shin, KAIST, Korea
- Lothar Thiele, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland
- Theo Ungerer, University of Augsburg, Germany
- Marcus Volp, TU Dresden, Germany
- Wang Yi, Uppsala University, Sweden
- CPS Domains
- Aerospace
- Energy Efficient Buildings
- Architectures
- Architectures
- Smart Grid
- Models of Computation
- Design Automation Tools
- Real-time Systems
- Concurrency and Timing
- Embedded Software
- Defense
- Systems Engineering
- Energy
- Modeling
- Wireless Sensing and Actuation
- Critical Infrastructure
- Real-Time Coordination
- Health Care
- Manufacturing
- Robotics
- Transportation
- Validation and Verification
- CPS Technologies
- Foundations
- Conference