ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing - Special Issue on Methods and Models for System Design
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing -- Special Issue on Methods and Models for System Design
This is the announcement of a special issue of the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing dedicated to the research areas of the 12th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE'14) held in Lausanne, Switzerland, in October 2014.
This special issue this seeks outstanding research contributions addressing all aspects of methods and models for hardware and embedded software design. We are interested in formal foundations, informal engineering methodologies with sound basis, model driven approaches, design tools, design case studies and industry-scale experimental case-studies, in both hardware, software and codesign of embedded systems.
A detailed announcement of this special issue is available online
Prospective contributions should be submitted no later than March 11, 2015, through the Manuscript Central, and adhere the instructions present on the TECS website. Any question regarding the special issue should be addressed to the guest editors.
Paolo Ienne, EPFL, and Jean-Pierre Talpin, INRIA, Guest Editors