NCSU SoS Lablet Evaluation - January 2015
Public Audience
Purpose: To highlight project progress. Information is generally at a higher level which is accessible to the interested public. All information contained in the report (regions 1-3) is a Government Deliverable/CDRL.
PI(s): Lindsey McGowen, Alyson Wilson, David Wright, Jeff Carver
Researchers: Merve Tekbudak
- Contributions to Developing a Science of Security - We will design and implement an evaluation process for assessing the effectiveness and impact of the Lablet's research and community development activities (McGowen, Wilson, & Wright).
- Contributions to Security Science Research Methodology - We will examine both the impact of Lablet work on the maturity of the SoS field and the methodological rigor of the Lablet research projects themselves (McGowen, Carver).
- Development of a Community of Practice for the Science of Security - We will develop methods to assess whether Lablet activities are contributing to the development of a sustainable community of practice for the SoS field (McGowen, Wilson, & Wright).
Report papers written as a results of this research. If accepted by or submitted to a journal, which journal. If presented at a conference, which conference.
- Hard Problems Impact Evaluation: 1) Updated the NCSU SoSL publication database with the most recent Lablet publications. 2) Coded Lablet publications with Scopus impact ratings, and found Scopus to be an incomplete source, capturing only 26% of Lablet publications. 3) Made progress on developing alternative bibliometrics customized for evaluation of SoS research.
- Methodology Support Evaluation: Provided methodology feedback reports to students presenting their research at student seminars, and stored that feedback data for later analysis.
- Surveyed industry participants in the Fall 2014 Community Forum about the impact of the forum on their understanding of SoS and their plans to engage with Lablet researchers. Respondents indicated that the forum had the greatest impact on their understanding of SoSL goals and the Hard Problems being addressed. 80% of respondents indicated that they planned to collaborate with Lablet researchers, or had already followed-up with Lablet researchers to discuss collaboration.