Visible to the public Don't miss the CfP deadline (Jan. 16) for HotSoS 2015

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Just a reminder that papers for the Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS 2015) are due January 16, 2015. We are soliciting contributions that either develop scientific methodologies for conducting cyber-security research or demonstrate how such methodologies are used on specific research problems.

While you're at it, don't forget to register for the event, to be held April 21-22, 2015, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The event, part of the National Security Agency's Science of Security initiative, will bring together researchers from numerous disciplines who seek a comprehensive and methodical approach to identifying and removing cyber threats.

This event is open to anyone interested in the science of security. Please forward to others working in this field.

For more information about HotSoS 2015, please visit


Submissions: January 16, 2015
Decisions: February 2, 2015
Final Versions: March 2, 2015
Conference: April 21-22, 2015

Submit manuscripts through Easy Chair: