Visible to the public IPSN'15 Joint Call for Posters and Demos

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The 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Networks

IPSN Joint Call for Posters and Demos

April 13-17, 2015, Seattle, WA, USA


The 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2015) draws upon many disciplines including networking, signal and image processing, information and coding theory, databases, information management, distributed algorithms, embedded systems, wireless communications, and machine learning. In addition to full-length technical papers, IPSN welcomes exciting demonstrations of novel sensor network technology, applications, and hardware as well as posters showing promising early work. IPSN seeks participation from both industry and academia for demonstrations and posters.

Selection of demonstration and posters will be based on a short abstract, evaluated based on technical merit and innovation as well as the potential to stimulate interesting discussions and exchange of ideas at the conference. Accepted abstracts will appear in the regular conference proceedings. At least one author of every accepted demonstration or poster abstract is required to register and attend the conference.

Formatting guidelines for poster and demonstration abstracts are available here. Abstracts need not be anonymous. Please make sure you use the latest version of the templates to prepare your submissions. Due to the short interval between the notification of acceptance and the camera-ready deadline, we strongly encourage authors to follow the camera-ready formatting guidelines as close as possible even for the initial abstract submission.


Poster abstracts should report on research work where at least some preliminary results are available, but they need not necessarily describe completed work. An easel will be provided for all posters. If you have any questions, please contact the poster co-chairs: Jie Gao and Pei Zhang


Demo abstracts should describe both the technology being showcased as well as the user experience of the demo. Tables, power, and wireless connectivity will be provided. If a demo requires additional special arrangements, please describe them clearly in your submission using a separate third page (not part of the technical content of the abstract). The authors of the accepted demos will be invited to submit an optional short video together with the camera-ready version of the abstract. The videos will be linked from the conference program on the IPSN 2015 home page. If you have any questions, please contact the demo co-chairs: David Chu and Guoliang Xing

Important Dates

Poster and Demo Submission:January 23, 2015 (11.59 PM, US PDT)
Notification of Acceptance:February 4, 2015
Camera-Ready Abstracts Due:February 9, 2015

Poster/Demo Submissions

Submissions will be handled by the IPSN 2015 submission system, reachable from the IPSN 2015 home page.