Visible to the public Wyvern: Impacting Software Security via Programming Language Design.

TitleWyvern: Impacting Software Security via Programming Language Design.
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKurilova, Darya, Potanin, Alex, Aldrich, Jonathan
Conference NameWorkshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU), 2014
Conference LocationPortland, OR
KeywordsCMU, Jan'15, Scalability and Composability

Breaches of software security affect millions of people, and therefore it is crucial to strive for more secure software systems. However, the effect of programming language design on software security is not easily measured or studied. In the absence of scientific insight, opinions range from those that claim that programming language design has no effect on security of the system, to those that believe that programming language design is the only way to provide "high-assurance software." In this paper, we discuss how programming language design can impact software security by looking at a specific example: the Wyvern programming language. We report on how the design of the Wyvern programming language leverages security principles, together with hypotheses about how usability impacts security, in order to prevent command injection attacks. Furthermore, we discuss what security principles we considered in Wyvern's design.

Citation Keynode-17123