Visible to the public Key Enabling Technologies - Europe

Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) are attracting strong interest at both Member State and European Union level, as they are seen as the route to new products, processes and services capable of generating economic growth and employment, and contributing to strengthening and / or rejuvenating existing European sectors. KETs will enable sustainable, smart and inclusive growth in Europe. In addition, KETs' follow-through applications will create the substantial jobs, growth and wealth required in our future European economies to remain competitive at global level. At the same time, they will make an essential contribution to the development of products and solutions to address grand societal challenges.

The European Commission selected in its 2009 Communication12 six KETs for Europe, on which the HLG bases its recommendations. These KETs are nanotechnology, micro-nanoelectronics, advanced materials, photonics, industrial biotechnology and advanced manufacturing systems. The Commission based this selection following the screening of the common high-tech areas and strategies at Member State level. The selection criteria included their economic potential, their value adding and enabling role as well as their technology and capital intensity regarding R&D and initial investment costs.

Key Enabling Technologies - Europe
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