Visible to the public CPS: Medium: CitiSense - Adaptive Services for Community-Driven Behavioral and Environmental Monitoring to Induce Change

Project Details
Lead PI:William Griswold
Co-PI(s):Sanjoy Dasgupta
Tajana Rosing
Hovav Shacham
Ingolf Krueger
Performance Period:09/01/09 - 08/31/13
Institution(s):University of California-San Diego
Sponsor(s):National Science Foundation
Outcomes Report URL:
Award Number:0932403
1891 Reads. Placed 148 out of 804 NSF CPS Projects based on total reads on all related artifacts.
Abstract: The objective of this research project is to achieve fundamental advances in software technology that will enable building cyber-physical systems to allow citizens to see the environmental and health impacts of their daily activities through a citizen-driven body-worn mobile-phone-based commodity sensing platform. The approach is to create aspect-oriented extensions to a publish-subscribe architecture, called Open Rich Services (ORS), to provide a highly extensible and adaptive infrastructure. As one example, ORS will enable highly adaptive power management that not only adapts to current device conditions, but also the nature of the data, the data's application, and the presence and status of other sensors in the area. In this way, ORS will enable additional research advances in power management, algorithms, security and privacy during the project. A test-bed called CitiSense will be built, enabling in-the-world user and system studies for evaluating the approach and providing a glimpse of a future enhanced by cyber-physical systems. The research in this proposal will lead to fundamental advances in modularity techniques for composable adaptive systems, adaptive power management, cryptographic methods for open systems, interaction design for the mobile context, and statistical inference under multiple sources of noise. The scientific and engineering advances achieved through this proposal will advance our national capability to develop cyber-physical systems operating under decentralized control and severe resource constraints. The students trained under this project will become part of a new generation of researchers and practitioners prepared to advance the state of cyber-physical systems for the coming decades.