Visible to the public National Meeting on Beyond SCADA: Networked Embedded Control for Cyber Physical Systems

The National Meeting on Beyond SCADA: Networked Embedded Control for Cyber Physical Systems was held on Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on November 8 & 9, 2006. The workshop produced a report which can be found at


0730 - 0815 Registration and Breakfast
0815 - 0900 Introductory Session
Session Chair: Shankar Sastry (UC Berkeley)

Simon Szykman (NITRD)
Helen Gill (NSF)
Albert Wavering (NIST)
Brad Martin (NSA)
0900 - 0930 Keynote Presentation
Jeff Potter (Emerson Process Control)
0930 - 0945 Questions and Discussions
0945 - 1015 Keynote Presentation
Anoop Mathur (Technology Manager - Wireless and Embedded Controls, Honeywell Labs)
1015 - 1030 Questions and Discussions
1030 - 1045 Break
1045 - 1215 Position Paper Briefs & Discussion I
Session Chair: Bruce Krogh
1215 - 1315 Lunch
1315 - 1330 Charge to Working Groups
Sally Howe
1330 - 1445 Working Group Sessions I

WG 1: Beyond SCADA: Emerging Capabilities
Chair: Tariq Samad (Honeywell)

WG 2: Security, Safety, and Certification
Chair: Timothy Johnson (General Electric)

WG 3: Design Methodologies & Tools
Chair: Clas Jacobsen - UTRC

WG 4: Enabling Technologies
Chair: Al Mok (UT Austin)
1445 - 1500 Break
1500 - 1730 Position Paper Briefs & Discussion II
Session Chair: Bruce Krogh
1730 Adjourn
1800 - 1900 Reception
0730 - 0815 Registration and Breakfast
0815 - 0845 Keynote Presentation
Ronald Ambrosio (Sr. Technical Staff Member, Event-Driven System & Relationship Manager, Energy & Utilities IBM TJ Watson Research Center)

Session Chair: Maria Ilic
0845 - 0900 Questions and Discussion
0900 - 0930 Keynote Presentation
Joe Weiss (KEMA, Inc.)
0930 - 0945 Questions and Discussion
0945 - 1000 Break
1000 - 1215 Position Paper Briefs & Discussion III
Session Chair: Bruce Krogh
1215 - 1315 Lunch
1315 - 1500 Working Group Sessions II
1500 - 1515 Break
1515 - 1600 Working Group Reports
1600 Adjourn

Working Group Session I

  1. (22) Cyber-Physical Security Needs in Electrical Energy Systems
    T. L. Johnson, M. J. Hartman and K. Caird
  2. (34) The Role of Authenticated Communications for Electric Power Distribution
    M. Hadley
  3. (27) Highly Dependable SCADA Systems
    B. Joshi, A. Mukherjee and A. Ravindran
  4. (12) Enabling Interoperability and Extensibility of Future SCADA Systems
    W. Ye and J. Heidemann
  5. (2) Fault Tolerant Embedded Software: Position Paper
    J. Cook and W. Milam
  6. (28) The Distributed Car – Motivating a Comprehensive Service-Oriented Engineering Approach for Cyber-Physical Systems
    I.H. Krueger, V. Ermagan and M. Menarini
  7. (19) Sensor Networks Challenges for Intelligent Buildings
    A. E. Cerpa
  8. (32) SCADA and GIS for Drinking Water Distribution System Monitoring and Response: Critical Gaps
    S. L. Isovitsch and J. M. Van Briesen
  9. (11) Shades-of-High Confidence
    T. Samad

Working Group Session II

  1. (26) Dynamic High confidence Certifiable Embedded Software: Position Paper
    K. Rohloff, R. Schantz and J. Loyall
  2. (30) Challenges and Approaches in Engineering IT Infrastructures for the Power Grid
    W. H. Sanders and P. W. Sauer
  3. (9) Towards Full-disclosure: Broadening Access to SCADA Data to Improve Safety, Reliability and Security
    J. Heidemann and W. Ye
  4. (29) HCSS: Designing Reliable Embedded Systems atop of Unreliable Hardware Platform
    Y. Xie
  5. (5) Secure, Open, Real-Time Operating Systems
    B. Isle, T. Carpenter, C. Payne, and K. Nelson and B. Isle
  6. (7) Understanding Trust and Security is SCADA Systems
    C. Neuman
  7. (10) The DETER Testbed and Networked Embedded Control for Cyber Physical Systems
    A. D. Joseph and T.V. Benzel
  8. (33) Security Challenges in Next Generation Cyber Physical Systems
    M. Anand, E. Cronin, M. Sherr, M. Blaze, Z. Ives, and I. Lee
  9. (24) Intrusion Insights – Adapting Intrusion Prevention Functionality for Process Control SCADA Systems
    E. Rakaczky
  10. (15) Real-Time Isolation and Composition of Virtualized Resource Sets
    A. K. Mok
  11. (13) Risk-Informed Evaluation of Security Technology Insertions and Next-Generation Control System Architectures via Modeling and Simulation
    P. Sholander

Working Group Session III

  1. (18) Networked Control Systems Research: A brief Discussion of Challenges and Opportunities
    P. Antsaklis
  2. (20) High Confidence Powertrain Control Software Development
    H. Yazarel, T. Kaga, and K. Butts
  3. (16) Modeling of Verification of Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges, Research Needs, and Possible Roadmap
  4. D.M. Tilbury
  5. (4) Cyber-Physical Systems Distributed Control: The Advanced Electric Power Grid
    B. Mc Millin, C. Gill, M. L. Crow, F. Liu, D. Niehaus, A. Potthast, and D. Tauritz
  6. (8) Embedded Sensor Network for Secure Electric Energy Infrastructure
    V. Vittal and G. Manimaran
  7. (23) The Role of Synchronized Wide Area Measurements for Electric Power Grid Operations
    J. Dagle and M. Hadley
  8. (21) On Performance Metrics for Guaranteed QOS in Industrial Networked Embedded Sensing & Control Systems: Systems issues, Challenges and Needs
    T. Kuruganti and W. Manges
  9. (1) Network Control for Cyber Physical Systems: Position Paper
    M. Dahleh, E. Frazzolli, A. Megretski, S. Mitter, A. Ozdaglar, P. Parrilo and D. Shah
  10. (14) Design of Integrated Networked Embedded and Dynamical Systems
    A. Banaszuk, C. A. Jacobson, J. Marsden, I. Mezic and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
  11. (6) New Methods in Developing Large-scale Distributed High-confidence Real-time System
    M. Feldman, A. Fiksel and Al Portnoy
  12. (25) Model-Based Software Tool Suite for the Design of Networked Embedded Control Systems
    T. J. Koo
  13. (31) Networked Embedded Systems
    P. J. Mosterman
  14. (17) Verification and Integration of Real-Time Control Software
    R. Alur
Event Details
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania