ACM SIGBED CPSWeek 2015 Travel Grants (
To promote excellence in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) education and research, SIGBED offers TRAVEL GRANTS for STUDENTS to attend CPSWeek 2015, the premier forum in the cyber-physical system area. The travel grants are given at a preset amount which may vary from year to year (but no greater than $500), and can be used to partially cover conference registration and/or hotel accommodation.
Who is eligible?
Students who are co-authors of a paper accepted by any of the conferences at CPSWeek and are SIGBED members can apply. In return, we ask travel grant recipients to help promote SIGBED at the conference, and to write a blog (at the SIGBED blog site) about his/her experience on attending the conference.
How to apply?
To apply, fill the application form below and email it to Xenofon Koutsoukos (
The application form should be included as text in the body of the email and the subject should be: SIGBED CPSWeek Student Travel Grant Application. We also require a short support letter from your advisor sent directly to Xenofon Koutsoukos (
The submission deadline is February 20, 2015. Both the application and the support letter must be received by this date. No extensions will be given. We aim to notify the recipients by March 6, 2015. The selection will be done based on both needs and merit.
Selection committee:
* Jie Liu, Microsoft
* Raj Rajkumar, Carnegie Mellon University
* Xenofon Koutsoukos, Vanderbilt University
SIGBED Travel Grant Application Form
[ ] I am a member of SIGBED
[ ] I am the author or a co-author of an accepted paper at CPSWeek 2015
Participation at other CPSWeek events:
I have submitted or intend to submit...
[ ] ... a paper to a workshop affiliated with CPSWeek
[ ] ... other: __________
Anticipated travel expenses (in dollars):
Degree pursued:
Years in the program:
When you expect to finish:
Faculty advisor: