Visible to the public Last chance to register: CPS PWG April 7-8 Face-to-Face meeting at NIST Gaithersburg

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As a reminder, next week (April 7-8, 2015) we are having our Cyber-Physical Systems Public Working Group (CPS PWG) Face-to-Face Meeting at NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

The CPS PWG April workshop will review the integrated CPS Framework being developed in phase two of the CPS PWG, and also will serve as the planning mechanism for our roadmapping activity (phase three) of the CPS PWG, which will focus on improving the draft CPS Framework and identify additional opportunities to address key technical challenges. There has been a lot of good work within the subgroups, including to develop an understanding of reference architecture concepts, and this April workshop will be a great opportunity to hear about and test drive the architectural "facets" and "aspects" concepts.

The meeting webpage is:

The meeting agenda is available online - see

NOTE: Registration is closing at 12:00 noon (EDT) on Thursday April 2 (tomorrow!) - please register via the "online registration" link on right side of the meeting webpage

The event is free and open to the public for in-person attendance. However, the NIST campus is a secure facility, so you will need to register online in advance. If you are not registered, you will not be allowed on site. Registered attendees will receive security and campus instructions prior to the workshop.

Some attendees may want to extend their Washington D.C. visit to take advantage of the now-underway National Cherry Blossom Festival, billed as "The Nation's Greatest Springtime Celebration." (See for more details.) Visitor information for the NIST campus, including transportation options from local airports and lists of local hotels and restaurants, can be found at this website: