Visible to the public CPS Community Forum 2010

EU-US Institutional Panel
13 April 2010 @ 16:30-18:00
In the scope of the first International Conference on CPS (ICCPS), one of the streams of the CPSWeek 2010, an EU-US Institutional Panel discussion will be held to discuss strategies and approaches as well as cooperation opportunities in the area of CPS/Embedded Systems and Control. The different approaches to the theme, as well as the different priorities, will be highlighted while trying to reinforce the existing informal cooperation between EU and the US.
1.     NSF Perspective: Research Collaboration in CPS - Ty Znati, CISE Division Director, NSF
2.     CPS – The First Year -  Helen Gill, Program Director, NSF
3.     “CPS Research & Development at the Science & Technology Directorate, US  DHS”, Nabil Adam, Fellow, Science & Technology Directorate, Dept. Homeland Security
1.     "Future perspectives", Jose Cotta, Head of Unit, DG INFSO, EC
2.     "Ongoing Research and articulation with other initiatives", Jorge Pereira, DG INFSO, EC