Visible to the public 2015 S5 Call for Abstracts

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2015 Safe and Secure Systems and Software Symposium (S5)

9 - 11 June 2015 at The Crowne Plaza Dayton, Ohio.

You are cordially invited to submit an abstract for your proposed presentation or demonstration in one of the topic areas listed below. Submitted abstracts should enhance the discussion of the various initiatives and/or technologies supporting the Safe and Secure Systems and Software Symposium (S5). Only unlimited distribution and non-proprietary abstracts will be considered for acceptance.

Critical Dates: Due by:

  • Abstract Submission 01 May 2015
  • Abstract Notification 08 May 2015
  • Final Presentation 01 June 2015
  • S5 Event 09-11 June 2015

Session Topics are as follows:
1. Formalization, Analysis, and Validation of Requirements
2. Open System Architecture Evidence-Based Design and Implementation
3. Verification and Validation of Human-Machine Interfaces and Protocols
4. Cumulative Evidence Through RDT&E, DT, & OT
5. Run Time Assurance for Highly Complex or Autonomous Systems
6. Application of Formal Design and Analysis for the Certification of Autonomous Systems
7. Assurance Arguments for Autonomous Systems
8. Other Critical Technologies and/or Certification Issues in Safety and Security Applications

The free 2015 S5 event has been officially approved and registration will be open within the next few weeks. In the meantime, for a more detailed explanation of each session topic and guidelines for abstract submission, please visit the S5 website ( If you have any questions, please email them to