CfP: DASIP 2015 - May 4, 2015 (Extended Deadline)
Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP)
September 23-25, 2015 | Krakow, Poland |
Paper submission deadline: May 4, 2015 (Extended)
The Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing - DASIP provides an inspiring international forum for latest innovations and developments in the field of leading edge embedded signal processing systems. The conference program will include keynote speeches, contributed paper sessions, demonstrations, and special sessions on timely topics. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts on topics including, but not limited to:
Design Methods and Tools
- Design verification and fault tolerance
- Embedded system security and security validation
- System-level design and hardware/software co-design
- Communication synthesis, architectural and logic synthesis
- Embedded real-time systems and real-time operating systems
- Rapid system prototyping, performance analysis and estimation
- Formal models, transformations, algorithm transformations and metrics
Development Platforms, Architectures and Technologies
- Embedded platforms for multimedia and telecom
- Many-core and multi-processor systems, SoCs, and NoCs
- Reconfigurable ASIPs, FPGAs, and dynamically reconfigurable systems
- Asynchronous (self-timed) circuits and analog and mixed-signal circuits
- Digital bio-signal processing, biologically based and/or inspired systems
Use-Cases and Applications
- Ambient intelligence, ubiquitous and wearable computing
- Global navigation satellite systems, smart cameras, and PDAs
- Security systems, cryptography, object recognition and tracking
- Embedded systems for automotive, aerospace, and health applications
Sensing Systems
- Sensor networks, environmental and system monitoring
- Vision, audio, fingerprint, health monitoring, and biosensors
- Structurally-embedded, distributed, and multiplexed sensors
- Sensing for active control systems, adaptive and evolutionary sensors
DASIP 2015 will feature three Special Sessions with the purpose of introducing the DASIP community
to relevant hot topics that were not covered by previous editions of the conference.
- Multi and Many Core for Computer Vision
- Processing Architectures for Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
- Signal and Data Processing in Industrial Tomography
During the DASIP 2015 Demo Night, universities and public research institutes are invited to demonstrate their hardware platforms, prototypes and tools. Authors should submit their full papers (up to 2 pages, double-column IEEE format) in PDF through the web based submission system. Accepted Demo Night papers will be published in the ECSI proceedings and those containing new scientific results have the option to be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Digital Xplore Library (To be confirmed).
DASIP 2015 organizes for the first time, challenges. These aim is to provide a fair and direct comparison of different methodological solutions to a common problem. Challenges should address a well-defined open problem relevant to DASIP, provide high quality data for testing architecture/problem and define a clear evaluation procedure that may include assessment and data distribution before and/or during the DASIP conference. Challenges may also include oral and/or poster presentations and/or an exhibition during the demo night.
- Paper submission: May 4, 2015 (Extended)
- Notification of acceptance: July 7, 2015
- Demo Night paper submission: May 29, 2015
- Challenge proposals: May 20, 2015
- Tutorial Proposals: May 29, 2015
- Camera ready papers: September 4, 2015
Authors should submit their full papers (up to 8 pages, double-column IEEE format) in PDF through the web based submission system (Demo Night - 2 pages). Proceedings of DASIP 2015 will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore (To be confirmed). Submitted papers are required to describe original unpublished work and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submissions must be fully anonymous, but authors should not hide previous work, instead, they need to make self-references in third person.
Full submission requirements, templates and submission instructions can be found at:
Each submission will receive at least three independent double blind reviews from the members of our scientific committee. Authors of accepted papers must address those comments in the camera ready version and present it in the conference prior to its publication. The conference proceedings will be published in electronic form with an ISSN and ISBN number and made available on the ECSI website and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library (To be confirmed). Paper and keynote presentation slides and tutorial documents will be made available to ECSI members and conference attendees after the conference (subject to confidentiality issues). Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to the Elsevier Journal of System Architecture (JSA).
Proposals for tutorials will be accepted depending on topic relevance and evidence of a comprehensive agenda. A one page description of the tutorial including title, presenters, contents, and the relevant track(s) should be sent to
SPONSORS and Organizers
DASIP 2015 is organized by the European Electronic Chips and Systems design Initiative (ECSI)
together with the Faculty EAIiIB of the AGH University of Science and Technology.
DASIP 2015
General Co-Chairs:
- Marek Gorgon, AGH University of Science and Technology, PL
- Bertrand Granado, University Pierre and Marie Curie, LIP6, FR
Program Co-Chairs:
- Diana Gohringer, Ruhr-University Bochum, DE
- Olivier Romain, University of Cergy Pontoise, ETIS Lab, FR
Demo Night Co-Chairs:
- Tomasz Kryjak, AGH University of Science and Techology, PL
- Karol Desnos, INSA Rennes, FR