13th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE'15)
The University of Texas at Austin, September 21-23, 2015
MEMOCODE will be collocated with FMCAD'15, SAT'15, DIFTS'15, and ACL2'15.
MEMOCODE has a long history of successful and exciting design contests. The MEMOCODE'15 co-design contest will pose a computational challenge that participants may solve using hardware or software on FPGAs, GPUs, and CPUs. The designs will be judged in two categories, and the winner of each will be awarded a $1000 prize. The winning teams will be invited to contribute a short paper for presentation in the conference program, and each team delivering a complete and working solution will be invited to prepare an abstract and present it at the conference. Detailed information on the design contest challenge will be made available on the conference website on May 21, 2015.
The MEMOCODE'15 co-design contest is sponsored by Microsoft and Xilinx.
- Design Contest starts May 21, 2015
- Contest Submissions June 21, 2015
- Evaluation Results July 21, 2015
- Design Papers due August 21, 2015
Over the last decade, the boundaries between computer system components, such as hardware, software, firmware, middleware, and applications, have blurred. This evolution in system design and development practices led in 2014 to a change in the title and scope of the MEMOCODE conference from its original focus on hardware/software co-design to its new focus on formal methods and models for developing computer systems and their components. MEMOCODE's objective is to emphasize the importance of models and methodologies in correct system design and development, and to bring together researchers and industry practitioners interested in all aspects of computer system development, to exchange ideas, research results and lessons learned.
MEMOCODE 2015 seeks research contributions on all aspects of methods and models for system, hardware, and software design and development: formal foundations, engineering methods, tools, and experimental case studies.
Please see the full call for papers at
- Abstract submission deadline: June 5, 2015
- Paper submission deadline: June 12, 2015
- Notification of acceptance: July 17, 2015
- Final version for Papers: August 7, 2015
- Venue: September 21-23, 2015