NCSU SoS Lablet Evaluation - July 2015
Public Audience
Purpose: To highlight project progress. Information is generally at a higher level which is accessible to the interested public. All information contained in the report (regions 1-3) is a Government Deliverable/CDRL.
PI(s): Lindsey McGowen, Jon Stallings, David Wright, Jeff Carver
Researchers: Merve Tekbudak
- Contributions to Developing a Science of Security - We will design and implement an evaluation process for assessing the effectiveness and impact of the Lablet's research and community development activities (McGowen, Wilson, & Wright).
- Contributions to Security Science Research Methodology - We will examine both the impact of Lablet work on the maturity of the SoS field and the methodological rigor of the Lablet research projects themselves (McGowen, Carver).
- Development of a Community of Practice for the Science of Security - We will develop methods to assess whether Lablet activities are contributing to the development of a sustainable community of practice for the SoS field (McGowen, Wilson, & Wright).
Report papers written as a results of this research. If accepted by or submitted to a journal, which journal. If presented at a conference, which conference.
- Hard Problem Impact Evaluation: We are working to develop a customized bibliometric for evaluating the dissemination and impact of Lablet publications and presentations. Current work includes identifying and categorizing relevant publication venues based on CPS-VO publication listings and recommendations from Lablet researchers and other security research experts.
- Methodology Support Evaluation: We have been collecting and recording feedback student presenters receive during the scheduled seminars and we are developing a coding schema to analyze the feedback provided. The goal is to refine the feedback instruments, the guidance given to seminar participants, and the quality of the feedback presenters receive.
- Community of Practice Evaluation: We have been collecting and analyzing feedback from NCSU Lablet Community activities such as our annual Industry Community Day and Summer Workshops. Response to these activities has been very positive.