Visible to the public Permanent research scientist position at ONERA Toulouse

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08 June, 2015 | ONERA -- CENTRE DE TOULOUSE | Information Processing and Modelling Department

Permanent Research Engineer Position in the field of Embedded Computer Architectures

1) Position description:

The Modelling and Information Processing department (departement Traitement de l'Information et Modelisation - DTIM) is organised in 3 scientific domains: IS (Ingenierie des Systemes - Systems Engineering), IPAD (Image Perception et Aide a la Decision - Image, Perception and Decision support) and MACS (Mathematiques Appliquees et Calcul Scientifique - Applied Mathematics and Scientific computation). The proposed position belongs to the first domain (IS): definition and implementation of methods and tools aiming at ensuring properties of computer systems, technical systems and sociotechnical organisations.

You belong to the "Languages, Architectures and Proofs for embedded Systems" (LAPS) research unit, which targets methods and tools for embedded aerospace systems.

You contribute to a research theme on new generations of embedded computer architectures based on multicore and manycore processors and their interconnection network (NoC). The goal is to be able to ensure correct behavior of these processors (determinism and real-time predictability) to allow their use for safety-critical avionics constrained by certification.

Your activities consist in:

  • designing real time code generation techniques for this kind of processors from high level languages;
  • proposing bare metal mechanisms for this kind of processors meeting certification constraints;
  • studying and applying analysis and prediction techniques for best and worst case response times of programs executed on this kind of processors.

The techniques developed at ONERA are mainly based on formal methods. Your activity includes theoretical study of the techniques but also implementation and experiments on real manycore processors.

You work in team and participate to collaborative projects with industrial partners (Airbus, Thales, Astrium, Dassault Aviation...) and French and European research labs.

2) Applicant Profile:

PhD in computer science.
Competences in one or several of the following techniques is required:
* computer architecture, in particular mulit- and many-core * low-level programming (baremetal), * worst-case computation (WCET, WCTT on NoC), * real-time and parallelism.
Knowledge in high-level programming (for example synchronous data-flow
languages) or low-level (VHDL, System-C, RTL, etc.) would also be appreciated

3) Miscellaneous info. (spoken language, etc.):

Applicants must have a good English level, French is *not* a requirement as long as English is OK.

4) Application process:

The reference to indicate in all application documents is NdegTIS/DTIM/LAPS/CDI/ 001984. Applicants must upload their CV and motivation letter through the ONERA website at where the offer is labeled as follows: "INGENIEUR DE RECHERCHE ARCHITECTURES INFORMATIQUES EMBARQUEES H/F", Domain: "Modelisation | Systemes"