DoCEIS 2016
7th Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS 2016)
The 7th Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS'16) will reflect on the growing interests in research, development and application of Cyber-Physical Systems. Fast progress on embedded intelligence and interconnection of systems, enabled by advances in pervasive computing, sensing technologies, and computer networks, including developments on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, lead to new architectural approaches to systems engineering. By exploring the synergies between computational and physical components, these systems leverage the emerging "network effect" and induce new advanced applications.
Conference Chairman:
- Prof. Luis M. Camarinha-Matos
Organization Chairman:
- Prof. Luis Gomes
Associated Activities:
- Prof. Pedro Pereira
Financial Chairman:
- Prof. Joao Goes
Topics: (not limited to)
- Computational and Perceptional Systems
- Energy
- Enterprise Collaborative Networks
- Control and Decision
- Electronics
- Signal Processing
- Informatics Applied to Electrical Systems
- Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing
- Industry Information Systems
- Telecommunications
- Biomedical Engineering
Technical Sponsors:
Continuing technical co-sponsorship for the four previous editions, the following technical co-sponsorship were requested:
- SoColnet - Society of Collaborative Networks
- IFIP WG5.5 - International Federation for Information Processing
- IEEE IES - Industrial Electronics Society