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Some of the most challenging R&D software problems for cyber-physical systems are those associated with producing, and where computer processors control physical, chemical, or biological processes or devices. Examples of such systems include airplanes and air traffic control systems, automobiles, power grids, oil refineries, and patient monitoring systems. Despite advances in standards-based commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies, key challenges must be addressed before COTS software can be used to build mission-critical distributed real-time embedded (DRE) systems effectively and productively. For example, developers of DRE systems continue to use ad hoc means to develop, configure, and deploy their applications due to the lack of formally analyzable and verifiable building block components at the operating system and middleware layers.

Recognizing this tremendous challenge and responsibility, the HCSS Coordinating Group has decided to conduct an extensive community outreach for exploring new ideas and identifying emerging trends that could be used as input for a National research agenda on High Confidence Software Platforms for Cyber-Physical Systems. In particular, the workshop will focus on R&D strategies and tactics for restructuring the current real-time operating system, virtual machine, and distributed computing middleware platforms into a sound and assured real-time technology base for building future cyber-physical systems.

Panel Breakout Sessions

  1. Architecture, Execution, and (Spatio-Temporal) Virtualization
  2. Services and Assembly
  3. Programming and Synthesis, Hardware, and Software