Visible to the public FASE 2016 Call for Papers

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19th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE)

FASE is concerned with the foundations on which software engineering is built. Submissions should make novel contributions to making software engineering a more mature and soundly-based discipline. Contributions should be supported by appropriate arguments and validation. Contributions that
combine the development of conceptual and methodological advances with their formal foundations and tool support are particularly encouraged. We welcome contributions on all such fundamental approaches, including:

  • Software engineering as an engineering discipline, including its interaction with and impact on society;
  • Requirements engineering: capture, consistency, and change management of software requirements;
  • Software architectures: description and analysis of the architecture of individual systems or classes of applications;
  • Specification, design, and implementation of particular classes of systems: adaptive, collaborative, embedded, distributed, mobile, pervasive, or service-oriented applications;
  • Software quality: validation and verification of software using theorem proving, model checking, testing, analysis, refinement methods, metrics or visualisation techniques;
  • Model-driven development and model transformation: meta-modelling, design and semantics of domain-specific languages, consistency and transformation of models, generative architectures;
  • Software processes: support for iterative, agile, and open source development;
  • Software evolution: refactoring, reverse and re-engineering, configuration management and architectural change, or aspect-orientation.

Important Dates and Submission

See the ETAPS 2016 joint call for papers. Submit your paper via the FASE 2016 author interface of EasyChair.

FASE accepts research papers (max 15 pp, plus 2 pages for references), full size tool papers (max 15 pp, plus 2 pages for references) and tool demo papers (4+6 pp). FASE 2016 will not use a rebuttal phase.

This year FASE 2016 will use a lightweight double-blind review process. Therefore, in your submission: omit authors' names and institutions; refer to your prior work in the third person, just as you refer to prior work by others; do not include acknowledgements that might identify you. If in doubt, please
contact the chairs. Blinding your submission should not be onerous; we are trying to guard against implicit bias, not to make it impossible for anyone to guess authorship.

A special issue of the Springer journal Formal Aspects of Computing will be associated with FASE'16. Authors of the best papers that fall within FAC's scope will be invited to submit significantly extended papers for journal review.