Past Projects

Project Title
A Hypothesis Testing Framework for Network Security This project develops a scientific approach to testing hypotheses about network security when those tests must consider layers of complex interacting policies within the network stack. The work is motivated by observation that the infrastructure of large...
A Monitoring, Fusion and Response Framework to Provide Cyber...
Anonymous Messaging Anonymity is a basic right and a core aspect of Internet. Recently, there has been tremendous interest in anonymity and privacy in social networks, motivated by the natural desire to share one's opinions without the fear of judgment or personal reprisal (...
Classification of Cyber-Physical System Adversaries

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are vulnerable to elusive dynamics-aware attacks that subtly change local behaviors in ways that lead to large deviations in global behavior, and to system instability. The broad agenda for this project is to classify...
Data Driven Security Models and Analysis In security more than in other computing disciplines, professionals depend heavily on rapid analysis of voluminous streams of data gathered by a combination of network-, file-, and system-level monitors. The data are used both to maintain a constant vigil...
Data-Driven Model-Based Decision-Making The goal of this project is to develop quantitative, scientifically grounded, decision-making methodologies to guide information security investments in private or public organizations, combining human and technological concerns, to demonstrate their use...
End-to-End Analysis of Side Channels

This project is exploring a framework for characterizing side channels that is based on an end-to-end analysis of the side channel process. As in covert channel analysis, we are using information-theoretic tools to identify the potential of a worst-...
Enhancing Cyber Security Through Networks Resilient to Targe... ABOUT THE PROJECT:
The scientific objective of this project is to discover statistical models that characterize network resiliency, and develop simulation tools to test whether an existing network is resilient. Our work will show how to place questions of...
From Measurements to Security Science: Data-Driven Approach

In security more than in other computing disciplines, professionals depend heavily on rapid analysis of voluminous streams of data gathered by a combination of network-, file-, and system-level monitors. The data are used both to...
Protocol Verification: Beyond Reachability Properties ABOUT THE PROJECT:
This project is investigating the existence of decision procedures for two key properties at the heart of observational equivalence, assuming the protocol's algebraic properties satisfy the finite variant property (FVP), which is...