IEEE ICIT 2016 Call for papers
Call for Papers
2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (IEEE ICIT2016)
March 14-17, 2016 | Taipei, Taiwan |
Important Dates
- September 20, 2015 - Special/Invited Session Proposal Submission
- September 30, 2015 - Deadline of Paper Submissions
- December 1, 2015 - Paper Acceptance Notification
- January 10, 2016 - Deadline of Final Paper Submissions
The organizing committee invites you to participate in this important conference. Please encourage you and your team to submit papers by September 30, 2015. Papers presented at the IEEE ICIT2016 will be published in IEEE Xplore (EI). And also, a good quality paper may be considered for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (I.F.=8.785) subjects to further rounds of review.
Please do not delay and submit papers:
Click HERE:
For details, please visit the conference website at
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact with Secretariat of ICIT2016.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Taipei in March 2016!
Sincerely yours,
IEEE ICIT2016 Organizing Committee