Visible to the public NSF CISE Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTc) Program Director Position Available

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Katie Dey
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Joined: Oct 13 2010

National Science Foundation (NSF) Assistant Director for the Directorate of Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) James Kurose has issued the following letter to the community describing the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTc) Program Director position available:

Dear Colleague:

The Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS) within the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) announces a nationwide search to fill a Program Director position for the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program. The National Science Foundation (NSF) Program Directors are in charge of specific research areas. They solicit, receive and review research and education proposals, make funding recommendations and administer awards. They are also responsible for interaction with other Federal agencies, forming and guiding interagency collaborations, and for service to Foundation-wide activities. Since both programs are closely related, one Program Director will take responsibility for both.

Formal consideration of interested applications will begin October 15, 2015 and will continue until a selection is made.

The SaTC program funds a broad spectrum of innovative research that will improve the resilience of cyberspace from malicious cyber-attacks while preserving privacy and promoting usability. This cross-directorate activity, which is led by CISE, includes the participation of the Directorates for Education and Human Resources (EHR), Engineering (ENG), Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), and Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE). In CISE, SaTC supports foundational research focused on security and privacy, and draws on many different disciplines in computer science like algorithms, architectures, big data analytics, cryptography, formal methods, hardware, programming languages, networks, privacy, software, systems, and evaluation frameworks. This SaTC position in CISE/CNS requires deep knowledge in one or more of these research areas.

Program Directors at NSF are in charge of specific programmatic areas. They solicit, receive and review research and education proposals, make funding recommendations and administer awards. They are also responsible for interaction with other Federal agencies, forming and guiding interagency collaborations, and for service to Foundation-wide activities.

Persons wishing to apply for this position are referred to the CNS divisional webpage,, for a description of the division and its research and education areas; to the CISE directorate webpage,, for a description of the directorate and its research and education areas; and to the SaTC program webpage,, for more information about the SaTC program.

Qualification requirements for the SaTC position in CISE/CNS are a Ph.D. or equivalent professional experience in computer science or engineering, plus after the award of the Ph.D., six or more years of successful research, research administration, and/or managerial experience in academe, industry, or government. The position requires effective oral and written communication skills, and familiarity with NSF programs and activities is highly desirable. The incumbent is expected to function effectively both as an individual within the SaTC program and as a member of cross-directorate and interactive team. The incumbent must also demonstrate a capability to work across government agencies to promote NSF activities and to leverage program funds through interagency collaborations.

The Program Director position recruited under this announcement may be filled under the following appointment:

Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Appointment: Individuals eligible for an IPA assignment with a Federal agency include employees of State and local government agencies or institutions of higher education, Indian tribal governments, and other eligible organizations in instances where such assignments would be of mutual benefit to the organizations involved. Initial assignments under IPA provisions may be made for a period up to two years, with a possible extension for up to an additional two-year period. The individual remains an employee of the home institution, and NSF provides the negotiated funding toward the assignee's salary and benefits. For additional information regarding IPA positions, please visit the NSF website at:

Applications will be accepted from US Citizens and Non US Citizens. Recent changes in Federal Appropriations Law require Non-Citizens to meet certain eligibility criteria to be considered. Therefore, Non-Citizens must certify eligibility by signing and attaching a Citizenship Affidavit, available at, to their application.

Interested applicants should submit a CV along with a letter of interest briefly describing their background and suitability for the desired position, and should also include availability timeframe, contact information, and references. Applications should be submitted electronically to

Although electronic applications are preferred, paper applications may be submitted to:

Dr. Peter Arzberger
Acting Division Director
Division of Computer and Network Systems
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 1175
Arlington, VA 22230


Jim Kurose
Assistant Director, CISE