Visible to the public TMS/DEVS ’16

Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation '16

part of the 2016 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference

The purpose of this symposium is to provide a forum to discuss recent advancements in M&S theory. The main focus is on modeling, methodology, practice and software to cope with the challenges arising out of these, as well as lessons learned and challenges. The Symposium bridges different areas in the field of theory of M&S, including formal modeling, model-checking, graph transformation, modeling methodologies. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Theory of Modeling and Simulation

  • DEVS, Petri-nets, Finite State Machines, Timed Automata, Process Algebras, Queuing Networks, etc.
  • Formalism Integration
  • Modular Formalisms for Hybrid Systems
  • Formal analysis and symbolic reasoning
  • Model checking
  • Behavior Abstraction and Model Reduction
  • Graph and model transformations
  • Activity paradigm: complex adaptive systems, tracking, awareness

M & S Software

  • M&S Software
  • M&S Frameworks
  • M&S Languages and language extensions
  • Education aspects of Theory of M&S
  • M&S standards


  • Parallel & distributed simulations
  • Interoperability of simulators (grid, cloud, web services, etc.)
  • M&S-based development methods
  • M&S-based system optimization
  • M&S of gene regulatory networks
  • M&S of spatially distributed systems

Practice and Lessons Learned

  • Real-time and embedded systems
  • High performance computing
  • Cloud and service-oriented computing
  • Transportation and traffic systems
  • Ecological and environmental systems
  • Systems-of-systems and ultra large scale systems

Organizing Committee

General Chairs
Fernando Barros, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Herbert Prahofer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Program Chairs
Xiaolin Hu, Georgia State University, USA
Joachim Denil, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Steering Committee
Gabriel A. Wainer, Carleton University, Canada (Chair)
Andrea D'Ambrogio, University of Rome <>, Italy
Gregory Zacharewicz, University of Bordeaux, France

Advisory Board
Bernard P. Zeigler (FIEEE, FSCS, LAA-SCS), Univ. Arizona, USA (Chair)
Christos Cassandras (FIEEE, FIFAC), Boston University, USA
Francois Cellier (FSCS), ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Kishor Trivedi (FIEEE, GCM IEEE CS), Duke University, USA
Mo Jamshidi (FIEEE, FASME, FAAAS), Univ. Texas at San Antonio, USA

Program Committee (Preliminary)
Michele Amoretti, Universita di Parma, Italy
Andrea Bracciali, University of Stirling, Scotland
Paolo Bocciarelli, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy
Rodrigo Castro, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dave Cavalcanti, Intel Corporation, USA
Maximiliano Cristia, CIFASIS and UNR, Argentina
Gabriele D'Angelo, University of Bologna, Italy
Olivier Dalle, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis and Universite de Nice, France
Raphael Duboz, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Claudia Frydman, LSIS, Marseille, France
Feng Gu, The College of Staten Island, USA
Olaf Hagendorf, Universitat Wismar, German
Shafagh Jafer, University of Virginia, USA
Moath Jarrah, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
Tag Gon Kim, KAIST, Korea
Ernesto Kofman, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
Yonglin Lei, National University of Defense Technology, China
Xiaobo Li, University of Antwerp, Belgium; National University of Defense Technology, China
Mark Minas, Universitat der Bundeswehr, Germany
Saurabh Mittal, Dunip Technologies, USA
Mohammad Moallemi, Carleton University, Canada
Il Chul Moon, KAIST, Korea
Lisandru Muzy, Universite de Corse, France
Chris Myers, University of Utah, USA
Libero Nigro, Universita della Calabria, Italy
Lewis Ntaimo, Texas A&M, USA
James Nutaro, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Halit Oguztuzun, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Thorsten Pawletta, University of Wismar, Germany
Sabri Pllana, University of Vienna, Austria
Francesco Quaglia, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
Judicael Ribault, Universite de Bordeaux 1, France
Jose Luis Risco-Martin, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Klaus Schneider, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Mamadou Seck, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Eugene Syriani, University of Montreal, Canada
Enrico Tronci, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
Javier Troya, Universidad de Malaga, Spain
Adelinde Uhrmacher, Universitat Rostock, Germany
Alfonso Urquia, National Distance Education University, Spain
Hans Vangheluwe, University of Antwerp, Belgium, and McGill University, Canada
Haidong Xue, Georgia State University, USA
Yiping Yao, National University of Defense Technology, China
Levent Yilmaz, Auburn University, USA
Fransesco Zanichelli, Universita di Parma, Italy

Event Details
Pasadena, CA