ISIE 2016 wants you!
The 25th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics is fast approaching, June 6-10, 2016, in the heart of Silicon Valley, Santa Clara, USA! ISIE-2016 joins a week of exciting gatherings, all related to a theme: "Challenges of the IoT" (Internet of Things). Events include the IEEE Tech Industry Summit, ISIE-2016, and multiple workshops covering industrial electronics technologies, applications, standards, and innovation management practices.
Plan now to join us as we bring visionaries, engineers, and research leaders together for a week of dynamic, open exchange on edge-leading IoT-relevant technology and your role in driving it forward.
Details about ISIE-2016 and Industry Summit Week can be found at:
Submissions of ISIE-2016 technical papers are now welcome. Details for prospective authors (content, formats, deadlines) are available now:
Accepted and presented papers will be considered for potential inclusion
in the IEEEXplore online digital library.
See you June 6-10, 2016 at Industry Summit Week and ISIE-2016!