FormaliSE 2016: Call for Papers
4th FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (FormaliSE 2016)
to be held on 15 May 2016 in conjunction with ICSE 2016
May 14th-May 22th | Austin, Texas, USA |
The software industry has a long-standing and well-earned reputation for failing to deliver on its promises and it is clear that still nowadays, the success of software projects with the current technologies cannot be assured. For large complex projects, many approaches have proven inadequate to assure the correct behaviour of the delivered software, despite the efforts of the (often very skilled) software engineers involved. The lack of formalization in key places makes software engineering overly sensitive to the weaknesses that are inevitable in the complex activities behind software creation.
It is an increasingly complex task to develope large software systems because the systems are huge, with very complex behaviour, and many algorithms employed today are "pushing the limits" of what people can comprehend. This is where formal methods (FMs) have a huge opportunity. The main goal of the workshop is to foster integration between the formal methods and the software engineering communities.
AREAS OF INTEREST include but are not limited to:
- integration of FMs in the software development life cycle
- ability of formal methods to handle real-world problems
- prescriptive/objective guidance in the use of FMs
- performance analysis based on formal approaches;
- formal methods in a certification context
- "lightweight" or usable FMs
- application experiences
- formal approaches to safety and security related issues
- cyber physical systems
- scalability of FM applications
- rigorous software engineering approaches and their tool support
- formal approaches to safety and security related issues
- case studies developed/analyzed with formal approaches
The PROGRAM features two keynotes (one by Pamela Zave of AT&T Labs Research and one by Don Batory, University of Texas at Austin), and presentations of submitted papers. The workshop finishes with a panel discussion, addressing the subjects that came up during the workshop.
SUBMISSIONS are limited to 7 pages using ACM Formatting Guidelines (see:, must be unpublished original work and should not be under review or submitted elsewhere while being under consideration. PC members will review all submissions. Papers will be judged on the basis of their clarity, relevance, originality, and contribution to the field.
Submissions must be in English and in PDF format through online upload to the workshop submission website at the following URL:
All ACCEPTED CONTRIBUTIONS will be PUBLISHED in the ICSE 2016 Proceedings or the ICSE 2016 Companion Proceedings and in both the ACM Digital Library and the IEEE Digital Library. Authors of accepted papers are expected to register and present their paper at the Workshop.
- 22 January 2016: submission deadline for workshop papers
- 19 February 2016: notification of acceptance/rejection to authors
- 26 February 2016: camera-ready copy deadline for workshop papers
- 15 May 2016: FormaliSE workshop in Austin, Texas, USA
- Stefania Gnesi (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
- Nico Plat (West IT Solutions and Thanos, The Netherlands).
The OC/PC Chairs can be reached via e-mail: If you intend to submit a paper you are invited to inform us in advance.
- Keijiro Araki (Kyushu University, Japan)
- Andreas Bollin (Klagenfurt University, Austria)
- Ana Cavalcanti (York University, UK)
- Nancy Day (University of Waterloo, Canada)
- Ewen Denney (SGT/NASA Ames, United States)
- Cindy Eisner (IBM Haifa Research Laboratory, Israel)
- Alessandro Fantechi (University of Florence, Italy)
- Antonio Filieri (Imperial College, United Kingdom)
- Wolfgang Grieskamp (Google, United States)
- Jan Friso Groote (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
- Michaela Huhn (Technische Universitat Clausthal, Germany)
- Nicolas D'Ippolito (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Peter Gorm Larsen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
- Marc Lawford (MacMaster University, Canada)
- Thierry Lecomte (ClearSy, France)
- Yves Ledru (Universite Grenoble Alpes, France)
- Axel Legay (INRIA Rennes, France)
- Antonia Lopes (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Tiziana Margaria (University of Limerick and Lero, Ireland)
- Ravidra Metta (Tata Consultancy Services, India)
- Henry Muccini (Universita degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy)
- Kenneth Pierce (Newcastle University, UK)
- Sanjai Rayadurgam, (University of Minnesota, USA)
- Matteo Rossi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
- Thomas Santen (Microsoft, Germany)
- Laura Semini (Pisa University, Italy)
- Marjan Sirjani, (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
- Marcel Verhoef (European Space Agency, The Netherlands)