Visible to the public EAGER: Autonomy-enabled Shared Vehicles for Mobility on Demand and Urban LogisticsConflict Detection Enabled

Project Details
Lead PI:Sertac Karaman
Performance Period:05/01/15 - 10/31/16
Institution(s):Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sponsor(s):National Science Foundation
Award Number:1523401
1233 Reads. Placed 267 out of 804 NSF CPS Projects based on total reads on all related artifacts.
Abstract: Three emerging technologies provide unique opportunities for denser cities throughout the developed world: vehicle sharing, electric vehicles, and autonomous systems. Bringing these technologies close together can help enable joint mobility-on-demand and urban-logistics services. This project focuses on the co-development of design and algorithms to enable new concepts that will serve this purpose. The Persuasive Electric Vehicle (PEV) is a tricycle navigating in the bike lanes. The PEV can autonomously drive itself to its next customer; it can also deliver packages to its customers who order goods online. On the algorithmic front, the project will investigate (i) provably-safe algorithms for autonomous navigation in bike lanes, and (ii) algorithms for high-performance routing and rebalancing for joint mobility on demand and urban logistics. On the design front, the project will investigate (i) the vehicle-level designs that can best embrace the relevant CPS technologies, and (ii) the system-level designs and urban planning practices that can help enable the PEV concept. The PIs will collaborate with the City of Boston and participate in the Global City Teams Challenge, where they will demonstrate the PEV concept and its potential impact on future smart cities.