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Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization
Read-only archive of site from September 29, 2023.
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Multiple-Level Predictive Control of Mobile Cyber Physical Systems with Correlated Context
Submitted by Shan Lin on Tue, 12/22/2015 - 1:57pm
Project Details
Lead PI:
Shan Lin
Performance Period:
SUNY at Stony Brook
National Science Foundation
Award Number:
1036 Reads. Placed 369 out of 804 NSF CPS Projects based on total reads on all related artifacts.
Cyber physical systems (CPSs) are merging into major mobile systems of our society, such as public transportation, supply chains, and taxi networks. Past researchers have accumulated significant knowledge for designing cyber physical systems, such as for military surveillance, infrastructure protection, scientific exploration, and smart environments, but primarily in relatively stationary settings, i.e., where spatial and mobility diversity is limited. Differently, mobile CPSs interact with phenomena of interest at different locations and environments, and where the context information (e.g., network availability and connectivity) about these physical locations might not be available. This unique feature calls for new solutions to seamlessly integrate mobile computing with the physical world, including dynamic access to multiple wireless technologies. The required solutions are addressed by (i) creating a network control architecture based on novel predictive hierarchical control and that accounts for characteristics of wireless communication, (ii) developing formal network control models based on in-situ network system identification and cross-layer optimization, and (iii) designing and implementing a reference implementation on a small scale wireless and vehicular test-bed based on law enforcement vehicles. The results can improve all mobile transportation systems such as future taxi control and dispatch systems. In this application advantages are: (i) reducing time for drivers to find customers; (ii) reducing time for passengers to wait; (iii) avoiding and preventing traffic congestion; (iv) reducing gas consumption and operating cost; (v) improving driver and vehicle safety, and (vi) enforcing municipal regulation. Class modules developed on mobile computing and CPS will be used at the four participating Universities and then be made available via the Web.
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CPS Domains
Healthcare and Public Health Sector
Critical Infrastructure
Wireless Sensing and Actuation
Health Care
CPS Technologies