Visible to the public Tipped Trap Tragedy Conflict Detection Enabled

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Tucker Kirven
Tucker Kirven's picture
Established Community Member
Joined: Jan 20 2016

If we place a trap in the correct location, but it tips on its side once it is released, what are the rules regarding corrections and point deductions or disqualification during a single attempt?

Jonathan Sprinkle
sprinkle's picture
AdministratorEstablished Community Member
Joined: Aug 11 2010
If the trap is deposited

If the trap is deposited safely and the vehicle departs, it is considered a sucess.

If the trap seems to be placed correctly but the act of releasing the mechanism and flying away tips the trap over, it is not a success.

If after a successful release, the trap later falls over due to some external factor (wind/animal) then no points are deducted. It will be the discretion of the judging team whether the trap was moved by an external factor.

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