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Postdoctoral Research Associate - Virginia Tech

A postdoctoral position is available in the Systems Software Research Group ( at Virginia Tech ( on a project that involves developing compiler, run-time, and language support for emerging heterogeneous multicore architectures, in particular those with heterogeneous instruction sets (e.g., Xeon/Xeon Phi, ARM/x86), from node-scale to rack-scale. The project aims to develop systems software for such platforms and scales, including OS, compiler, run-time, and language support with high performance, energy efficiency, and programmability (e.g., hardware-agnostic programming). The project involves developing techniques and mechanisms, and contributing to open-source (e.g., LLVM, GCC) and experimental projects (e.g., Popcorn Linux;

Recent computer science or computer engineering PhD graduates with background in compilers, run-times, programming languages, and virtualization are sought. Strong system building skills are necessary. The position is for two-year minimum, with strong possibilities for additional years, and have no teaching obligations. Contact Prof. Binoy Ravindran ( with a CV or for any questions.