Visible to the public CfP: Resilience Week - EXTENDED! Due May 16 (Firm)Conflict Detection Enabled

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Due to numerous requests, the Call for Papers has been extended to May 16, 2016! (firm)

Resilience Week 2016

Chicago, IL | August 16 - 18 |

Resilience Week includes IEEE technically co-sponsored symposia dedicated to promising research in resilient systems that will protect cyber-physical infrastructures from unexpected and malicious threats - securing our way of life.

We are pleased to have the following renowned plenary and keynote speakers joining us this year, with more to be confirmed in the near future.

Plenary Speakers

  • Massoud Amin, Honorary Chair of Resilience Week, University of Minnesota
  • LtGen (ret.) Rhett Hernandez, Army Cyber Institute
  • Dominique Luzeaux, Ministry of Defense
  • Brian Pierce, DARPA

Keynote Speakers

  • Matt Bishop, University of California at Davis
  • Barbara Ciaramitaro, Walsh College
  • Alexander Dolpp, Mercedes-Benz Research & Development
  • Sonja Glavaski, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
  • Bob Kolasky, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • Annabelle Lee, EPRI
  • Craig Miller, NRECA
  • Osama Mohammed, Florida International University
  • Kevin Staggs, Honeywell Automation and Control
  • Nitin Vaidya, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

There are four symposia focusing on Control, Cognitive, Cyber and Communication Systems and Critical Infrastructure, governing research and development, technologies and policy. A call for full papers, works in progress and industry papers is currently being solicited from the websites linked below:

There is a 5th symposium focusing on critical infrastructure. A call for abstracts can be found on the website below.

In addition to an open paper call within symposia, there are four special session calls.

Early Registration ends July 15. Click here to take advantage of the early registration fee.

Become a sponsor by clicking here and enjoy the following benefits:

  • Platinum ($3500): includes three free registrations, 1 booth, and reception sponsor
  • Gold ($1500): includes two free registrations and a booth
  • Silver ($750): includes one free registration and a booth

Resilience Week will be held at Hilton Lisle/Naperville and we have negotiated a reduced rate for attendees. You can find additional hotel information by clicking here. We encourage all our attendees to stay at our host hotel.

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago! Please refer to the website for the most recently updated Resilience Week information, including agenda, speakers and special sessions.

Jodi Grgich, Organizing Chair